Hotel Valencia Riverwalk is offering holiday room packages guaranteed to put a festive sparkle in the holiday celebration for both local staycationers and drive-market guests alike.
The Light Up The Night room package includes luxury accommodations for two, complimentary valet parking, complimentary Wi-Fi and two complimentary river boat tickets. Hotel guests will be enchanted by the millions of dazzling holiday lights festooned from the trees that line San Antonio’s historic River Walk.

“All of us at Hotel Valencia Riverwalk are thrilled to be able to offer the ‘Light Up The Night’ holiday room package to our guests once again this year,” said Trent Freeman, General Manager of Hotel Valencia Riverwalk. “Traditionally, this is one of our most popular room packages each year. We know that many people are seeking a change of scenery after months of staying home, as well as want to get into the holiday spirit, and this room package offers the perfect mini-getaway for those who are ready. In addition, I want to emphasize that properly sanitizing our guestrooms has always been a core value of ours and we continue to work with P&G – our cleaning partner – to ensure we are adhering to all prescribed best practices of cleaning and sanitation.”
The “Light Up The Night” package is being offered now through Jan. 4. For reservations and more information on Hotel Valencia Riverwalk’s “Light Up the Night room and river boat package, go to: